Hello, Covain community!
I feel excited to start this incredible journey with you. We will use this skin blog to explore skin thru a healthy lifestyle and understand the impact it has on your life and success.
People are always searching on how to get rid of some skin issue such as acne, a rash, a burn, overly sweating etc… Then people blame their skin for many factors such as our self-esteem and confidence level, how much makeup we wear, our romantic relationship status, and all our relationships with people we encounter daily. Various skin challenges can affect one’s routine schedule, but we should learn to rejoice in our skin more often and love it.
Why Show our Skin More Love?
Skin is an amazing part of the body and is our largest organ. 15% of a human’s body weight is their skin! Think about it; skin protects all our other organs. The skin protects us against harmful UV Rays, disease, chemicals, and unsafe temperatures and acts as a cushion during falls/accidents. Skin is our shield from the world! Pay attention to your skin, because its appearance reveals your health condition.
My Skin Experience
Skin has played a large role in my life since I was a kid. Since I have fair skin, I have always had to take extra care of my skin, but I didn’t know how to properly for a long time. From sunburns to acne to blisters to razor burn; I’ve dealt with my fair share of skin challenges. I’m still learning how to love my skin and exciting techniques to improve my skin.
Blog Details
New blog posts will come out weekly about skin knowledge and all the ways to best take care of skin with a healthy lifestyle. I will give insight into how factors such as stress, nutrition, exercise, makeup, and other factors affect your skin. There will be tips on how to get your best skin, which will including upgrading your lifestyle and mindset. Let’s stop using skin as an excuse to not have the modeling career we want and rejuvenate our skin together!
Stay In Touch
Feel free to reach out with any questions you may have or share a topic you would like me to blog about.
Follow us on all social media platforms. When you use tips I share, make sure to take a gorgeous skin picture of yourself and tag us @Covainofficial #lovemyskin #Covainskin #modellife
Try Organic Face Toner for Dry & Combination Skin
Apply daily LASol Sunscreen
Author: Danielle N. Mott