Boost Your Lungs: Yoga Poses & Breathwork for Strength

yoga poses and breathwork


There are Yoga Poses and Breathwork for Strength that will dramatically Boost your Lungs to Function Better. Better Lung Function equals Higher Quality Model Skin. Particular Yoga Poses and Breathwork will help Expand the Rib Cage, Improve Lung Capacity, and Promote Deep Breathing. Here are some of the most Effective Poses and Breathwork Patterns: 




1. Cat-Cow Pose (Marjaryasana-Bitilasana)

  • Benefits: Improves Spinal Flexibility and Opens the Chest.
  • How to do: Move between Arching your Back (Cow Pose) and Rounding your Spine (Cat Pose), focusing on Lifting the Chest and Expanding the Lungs during Cow Pose. 


2. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandhasana)

  • Benefits: Opens the Chest, Stretches the Lungs, and Strengthens the Back.
  • How to do: Lie on your Back, Bend your Knees, and Lift your Hips while Pressing your Arms into the Mat. Keep the Chest Open and Breathe Deeply.


3. Camel Pose (Ustrasana)

  • Benefits: Deeply Opens the Chest and Stretches the Abdomen, promoting Better Breathing.
  • How to do: Kneel with your Thighs Perpendicular to the Floor, place your Hands on your Heels, and Arch your Back while Lifting your Chest. 


  1. Cobra Pose (Bhujangasana)
  • Benefits: Expands the Chest and Strengthens the Respiratory System.
  • How to do: Lie on your Stomach, place your Hands under your Shoulders, and Lift your Chest while keeping your Elbows slightly Bent.


5. Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

  • Benefits: Opens the Chest, Throat, and Lungs, Improving Deep Breathing.
  • How to do: Lie on your Back, Lift your Chest, and Rest the Crown of your Head on the Floor. Extend your Arms by your Sides or Hold your Toes. 


6. Upward-Facing Dog (Urdhva Mukha Svanasana)

  • Benefits: Opens the Chest and Strengthens the Upper Body, promoting Better Posture and Lung Expansion. 
  • How to do: From a Prone Position(aka lying on your Stomach Face down), Press into your Palms, Lift your Chest, and Straighten your Arms while keeping your Legs Active.


7. Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

  • Benefits: Expands the Chest, Stimulates the Diaphragm, and Stretches the Lungs.
  • How to do: Lie on your Stomach, Grab your Ankles, and Lift your Chest and Thighs while Pulling your Legs Upward.


8. Reclining Bound Angle Pose (Supta Baddha Konasana)

  • Benefits: Gently Opens the Chest and Improves Relaxation, supporting Deep Breathing.
  • How to do: Lie on your Back, bring the Soles of your Feet Together, and let your Knees Drop Outward. Use Props Under your Knees or Back for Support if needed.


9. Extended Puppy Pose (Uttana Shishosana)

  • Benefits: Opens the Chest and Shoulders while Stretching the Spine.
  • How to do: Start in a Tabletop Position, Extend your Arms Forward, and Lower your Chest Toward the Ground.


10. Triangle Pose (Trikonasana)

  • Benefits: Opens the Chest, Stretches the Sides of the Body, and encourages Deep Breaths.
  • How to do: From a Wide Stance, Reach one Hand Toward the Ground and the other Toward the Sky while keeping the Chest Open.

Tips for Practicing Yoga:

  • Focus on Deep, Slow Breathing during these Poses to Maximize their Benefits for the Respiratory System. 
  • Avoid Overextending or Straining; use Props like Blocks or Bolsters for Support if needed.
  • Practice Regularly to Improve Flexibility and Breathing Capacity. 


Breathing exercises can significantly Improve Lung Function, Enhance Oxygen Delivery, and Strengthen the Respiratory Muscles. Here are the most Effective Breathing Practices and Patterns:


1. Diaphragmatic Breathing (Belly Breathing)

  • What it does: Strengthens the Diaphragm and Increases Lung Capacity.
  • How to practice:
    1. Sit or Lie Down in a Comfortable Position.
    2. Place one Hand on your Chest and the other on your Belly.
    3. Inhale Deeply through your Nose, ensuring your Belly (not your chest) Rises.
    4. Exhale Slowly through your Mouth, allowing your Belly to Fall.
    5. Repeat for 5-10 minutes Daily.


2. Pursed-Lip Breathing

  • What it does: Slows the Breathing Rate, Improves Oxygen Exchange, and helps with Shortness of Breath.
  • How to practice:
    1. Inhale Deeply through your Nose for about 2-4 seconds.
    2. Purse your Lips as if you’re about to Blow out a Candle.
    3. Exhale Slowly through pursed lips for about 4-6 seconds.
    4. Repeat for 5-10 minutes, especially during Physical Activity or Stress.


3. Breath Holding (Box Breathing)

  • What it does: Enhances Oxygen Retention and Trains the Lungs for better Efficiency. 
  • How to practice:
    1. Inhale through your Nose for 4 counts.
    2. Hold your Breath for 4 counts.
    3. Exhale through your Mouth for 4 counts.
    4. Hold your Breath for 4 counts before repeating.
    5. Gradually Increase the Duration as your Lung Capacity Improves.


4. Alternate Nostril Breathing (Nadi Shodhana)

  • What it does: Balances the Nervous System and Promotes Efficient Breathing.
  • How to practice:
    1. Sit Comfortably and use your Thumb to Close your Right Nostril.
    2. Inhale Deeply through your left nostril.
    3. Close your Left Nostril with your Ring Finger and Release your Thumb to Exhale through your Right Nostril.
    4. Inhale through the Right Nostril and Exhale through the Left Nostril.
    5. Continue for 5-10 minutes. 


5. Deep Breathing with Resistance (Breath Training Devices)

  • What it does: Strengthens Respiratory Muscles and Increases Lung Capacity.
  • How to practice:
    1. Use a Breath Training Device (or simply Exhale through a Straw).
    2. Inhale Deeply through your Nose.
    3. Exhale Slowly and Forcefully through the Device or Straw for 5-10 repetitions. 


6. 4-7-8 Breathing

  • What it does: Promotes Relaxation and helps Optimize Lung Function.
  • How to practice:
    1. Inhale through your Nose for 4 counts.
    2. Hold your Breath for 7 counts.
    3. Exhale completely through your Mouth for 8 counts.
    4. Repeat for 4-6 cycles, Increasing as you become Comfortable.


7. Rib Stretch Breathing

  • What it does: Expands the Rib Cage and Improves Lung Elasticity.
  • How to practice:
    1. Stand or Sit Upright.
    2. Inhale Deeply, Filling your Lungs as much as possible.
    3. Hold your Breath for 10-15 seconds.
    4. Exhale Slowly and Completely.
    5. Repeat 4-5 times.


8. Humming Breath (Bhramari Pranayama)

  • What it does: Increases Nitric Oxide Production, which Improves Lung Function and Airway Dilation.
  • How to practice:
    1. Inhale Deeply through your Nose.
    2. Exhale while making a Humming Sound (like a Bee) for as long as you can.
    3. Repeat for 5-10 minutes. 


9. Breath Ladder (Dynamic Breathing)

  • What it does: Builds Lung Strength by progressively Increasing Breath Control.
  • How to practice:
    1. Take one Breath, then perform one Activity or Movement (like a Squat or Step).
    2. Take Two Breaths, then Two Movements.
    3. Gradually Increase the number of Breaths and Movements.
    4. Continue until you feel Comfortably Challenged.


10. Yawning or Sigh Breathing

  • What it does: Relieves Lung Tension and promotes Full Oxygen Exchange.
  • How to practice:
    1. Take a Deep, Exaggerated Inhale through your Nose (as if Yawning).
    2. Exhale with a Long Sigh through your Mouth.
    3. Repeat 5-7 times.

Tips for Breathwork Success:

  • Practice these Exercises Daily, ideally in a Quiet Environment.
  • Focus on Slow, Controlled Breathing to Avoid Hyperventilation.
  • Incorporate Relaxation Techniques like Mindfulness to Enhance the Effects.
  • Pair these Practices with Light Aerobic Exercise (e.g., Walking, Swimming, Yoga) for Optimal Lung Function.
  • Incorporate Acupressure Points to Release Gas from Learning to Breathe Deeply(Research on YouTube or Google How to Release Trapped Gas with Acupressure) 

Recommended Products: 


Start your day with a Collagen Smoothie Or Superfood Protein Powder Shake


Start taking Skin, Hair, and Nails Support Supplement


Shower & Hydrate with Green Face & Body Bar Soap and store soap inside Bar Soap Bag; use 10% off discount code – COVAINOFFICIAL  


Protect your Skin with Clear Mineral Zinc Sunscreen SPF 30 & CLEAR MINERAL ZINC CHAPSTICK SPF 30


Keep Skin Moist with HYDRATE BODY OIL



For more Guidance on a Specific Pose or Breath Pattern, search them on YouTube to watch teachers do it Correctly. Not only will these Poses and Breathwork Better your Lungs and Skin Quality, they will give you Peace of Mind and Grounding you have never felt before. Making a Commitment to Yourself to Practice at least 10 minutes each morning will set you up for a Prosperous Life and Modeling Career. Your High Vibration Energy will have Abundant People and Opportunities Chasing after you! Align Internally and you will Receive all the Externals you ever Desired and more. 

Explore 11 Ancient Ways People Cleared and Strengthened Their Lungs 

Discover Why Healthy Lungs Are the Key to Clearer, Healthier Skin


Discover Yogic Breathing for Better Lung Capacity


Author: Danielle N. Mott