People often look up to models for how they should look. One person might be admiring how fit a model is while another is in awe of a model’s porcelain skin. Because of the nature of the business, models typically are putting in more hours than the average person to have a great appearance. The health of your skin will affect your modeling career.
Photographers rather not do heavy editing after shooting so they will choose a model with better skin. Beautiful skin for beauty and cosmetic modeling is essential. These shots are usually up close and nobody wants to see bad skin upfront. Bad skin doesn’t help sell skin products.
As models become more active in their careers, they are put into the makeup chair often and this puts their skin in the danger zone. Makeup artists each have their own style and own set of products they use. They tend to have some type of wipe or harsh solution to wipe away all your natural oils and any dirt on your face before they begin. If you have more than one shoot per week, your skin is experiencing all the makeup artists’ products plus the ones you use on the other days. Your skin doesn’t stand a chance from the beginning.
Some people may be genetically blessed with amazing skin but regardless if you feel you are or aren’t, your lifestyle affects your skin’s appearance. Cleaning your skin properly after makeup has been applied is very important. You will age quicker if you go to sleep without taking off your makeup. I like to do an oil wash first then use a face cleanser with warm water. If the makeup is very heavy, you may have to repeat this process a few times. An oil wash means applying any type of oil like olive oil or coconut oil in a circular motion till you see the makeup coming off. Be careful not to rub too hard or you will damage your skin and could get wrinkles.
Are you sleeping enough? At night while sleeping is when your body makes collagen to keep your face looking fresh and healthy-looking. Are you sweating enough? Exercising at least four times per week that makes you sweat will help take out the impurities in your skin. If you are able to use a sauna or steam room at least once per week on top of sweating from exercising is a perfect combo for your skin and overall health.
How much water are you drinking every day? Remember if you have any drinks besides water you must drink an extra glass of water for every non-water beverage. If you drink alcohol, you want to be aware of how many drinks you’re having and how often you are drinking. The more you drink alcohol, the worse your skin will look bad. I suggest drinking coconut water that is filled with electrolytes after a night of drinking or right before you go to bed; which is even better.
Do you have a body and face moisturizer you use on a daily basis? Depending on your skin you may need more or less than a once-a-day application. For skin that tends to break out, I suggest using aloe vera and rose water.
Depending on where you live geographically will depend on how often your skin sees the sun. Even if you are driving around, your hands and face at the very least are getting exposed to the sun, so make sure you’re using sunscreen. Apply sunscreen after moisturizing and before makeup. Let sunscreen soak into your skin for 5-10 minutes before applying anything else to your skin.
Author: Danielle N. Mott